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Saturday, March 20
Saturday, May TBD
Saturday, April 17

12pm-2pm  Thinking about 2021, the Future, and Change

this session will take place on zoom. on the session page you will find the link to the live talk.

As this is a conversational and participatory session, it will be recorded for organizational purposes (to keep track of ideas that come up), but will not be posted for viewing later. please come to the session!

10 am - 12 noon Theories of Change

This session will take place on zoom. on the session page you will find the link to the live talk.

afterwards, the video recording will be posted for viewing. This takes place nearing lunchtime, so feel free to eat your lunch and be as cozy as you need to be while watching/participating.


10 am - 12 noon  Narratives of Change

This session will take place on zoom. on the session page you will find the link to the live talk.

afterwards, the video recording will be posted for viewing. This takes place nearing lunchtime, so feel free to eat your lunch and be as cozy as you need to be while watching/participating.

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