A Just Transition to a right-sized economy
Our economic system is built on a belief that it can grow forever. More people, spending more money, on more things is promoted as the common cure to our economic troubles, social injustices, and environmental problems. But this myopic belief depends on socializing the costs of growth to the many, while privatizing its benefits to the few. It’s fabricated on myths such a green growth and claims to decouple economy from environment. And it depends on a powerful fairytale of individual greed as the basis for societal well-being.
Join us on August 28th for a wide-ranging conversation on the myth of infinite growth and the necessary steps to move toward a more resilient, fair, and (dare we say) smaller economy.
recommended reading:
Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway's 'the collapse of western civilization; a view from the future': read here
'Human-scale energy services', a research article about community decision making and energy consumption by Lina Brand-Correa, Julia Steinberger, and Julia Martin-Ortega: read here
Bertrand Russell's 1932 essay 'in praise of idleness': read here
Jon Erickson's blog, which has lots of resources and insights: check it out here
recommended watching:
A video by Mexie about the myth of decoupling the economy from the environment (warning: explicit language content): watch here
'After the Pandemic, designing a just and resilient economy for all': watch here
recommended listening:
An interview with Herman Daly on Conversation Earth Podcast: listen here
An interview with Bill McKibben on Conversation Earth Podcast: listen here
Jon Erickson is the Blittersdorf Professor of Sustainability Science and Policy in the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources and Fellow of the Gund Institute for Environment at the University of Vermont. He has published widely on climate change policy, renewable energy economics, environmental management, and the theory and practice of ecological economics; led international research and education programs as a Fulbright Scholar in Tanzania and visiting professor in the Dominican Republic, Iceland, and Slovakia; produced Emmy award-winning documentary films on water, energy, and food system transitions; and founded and led numerous non-profit organizations including the U.S. Society for Ecological Economics, Adirondack Research Consortium, Deportes para la Vida, and Bright Blue EcoMedia.